Book - The Year of Living Danishly by Helen Russell
It’s an oft touted fact that Denmark is the happiest nation in the world. So, as we optimistically emerge into a New Year, it’s the ideal time to try and uncover their secrets. In this book, Helen Russell explores the Danes' recipe for happiness via an enjoyable depiction of the ups and downs of a year setting up home in a foreign land.
The 34 hour working week, a partner who works for Lego and no student loan to pay off may be somewhat ‘aspirational’ goals for most of us, but I can certainly give her Danish pastry addiction a run for its money.
What’s more, staying home and having a cosy, candlelit time is apparently ‘hygge’, not anti-social. So, I will be spending January wrapped up, literally and metaphorically, and if I miss anything important, now I can just blame the Danes.

Email - Oddbox
For any of you out there wanting to eat healthier/cook fresher/save the world (delete as applicable) in 2023, Oddbox may be the answer to your goody two-shoes prayers.
Oddbox is a fruit and veg box with a difference - they rescue wonky, mis-sized and surplus fruit and veg direct from farmers and deliver to your doorstep (overnight, to minimise time spent in traffic and reduce carbon emissions, obvs.)
Personalised impact figures, ‘Do Good Reports’ and their monthly food waste newsletter ‘The Oddserver,’ are all comms that get the balance just right - punchy not preachy, smart not smug.
Plenty of personal stories (who wouldn’t want to know more about Sam and his curvy courgettes?), a healthy dose of puns and some hard-hitting food waste facts make for some grape (sorry) reads.

TV - Ted Lasso
I’m more than a little late to the Ted Lasso party, but just in case your stocking was filled with high end electronics and the inevitable accompanying Apple TV subscription, I can highly recommend joining the fun. If you’re looking for comfort TV and a refreshing antidote to the ubiquitous doom and gloom of the darkest and most depressing month of the year, Ted is 100% your man.
This is a show about an unshakeable belief in humanity, self-acceptance, and love in its broadest sense. A timely reminder that sometimes we all need a bit of light relief. Jason Sudeikis’ title character gets in your head in a good way, and made me want to be a kinder, more optimistic person. Which is probably the best New Year’s resolution out there.

Podcast S15 Ep9 How to fail - Greta Thunberg on activism, friendship and failing to be a ‘normal teenager.’
Talking of New Year's Resolutions, if you’re planning on making any this year, it's probably best to also add Elizabeth Day’s popular ‘How to Fail’ podcast to your January playlist. Maybe February’s if you’re feeling especially optimistic…
A celebration of the things that haven’t gone right, Elizabeth and her guests remind us of the power of being honest, authentic and vulnerable. Seeing things through the fairly unique lens of failure in a world of tightly curated perfection invariably leads to valuable insights and fresh perspectives.
Her interview with Greta Thunberg is a particular treat. Greta talks about her failure to be a 'normal' teenager, her failure to get politicians to act, and a surprising love of carrots. The imminent demise of our planet doesn’t make for inherently cheerful listening, but Greta is intelligent, superbly well informed and unexpectedly funny. You can’t help but laugh, learn and leave wanting to do better.
